
Mar. 28, 2012

We are back from spring break and what a trip we had!! I'll write more about our adventures throughout the coming weeks so stay tuned. While we were away, This Lunch Rox hit a milestone...the site reached a whopping 250,000 unique visits. That means nearly 1/4 of a million people have clicked on the site and there have been nearly 500,000 page loads!! I started using a web-tracking device soon after the launch of the web-site simply out of curiosity to see if the blog posts were of interest to people. The boys and I got in the habit of checking the stats on the site regularly and have had fun noting where people are reading the blog. We started mapping visits from the U.S., but within a few weeks of launching the blog we were mapping visits from all around the world! We celebrated when we realized the site had been seen on 6 out of 7 continents (if anyone in Antarctica is reading this...HOORAY!! That means we've reached 7 out of 7). It's been a wonderful geography lesson for the kids and it's exciting for me to know that there are people worldwide interested in what I'm saying here on the blog.

My 3rd grader has been working on fractions this year so when the site hit 250k hits I knew it would be a fun way to incorporate a math lesson here at home. When I gave him the number he figured out that 250,000 people visiting the site = 1/4 million people = 25% of a million people. Then we looked at the page loads and he figured that 500,000 page loads = 1/2 million page loads = 50% of a million page loads. Now we'll continue to watch the site stats and see how the fractions change over the next few weeks & months!

Today's 1/4-themed lunch includes: peanut butter sandwich (if allergies are a concern you might consider using sunbutter), 1 stick green grapes and 3 sticks of red grapes, venison sticks, Babybell cheese round, hard boiled eggs, almond flour chocolate chip cookies (if nut allergies are a concern you could try this sunbutter cookie recipe)

Categories: Archive, Lunch


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