
Dec. 4, 2012

My boys are going through a puzzle phase right now and very rarely is there a time when our kitchen table isn't covered with puzzle pieces. See what I mean....

While it's hard giving up space in the kitchen, I have to admit I'm kind of enjoying this puzzle phase. I find that all of us tend to wander over to the table at various times and just work on the puzzles bit by bit. There have been a few times when all four of us are sitting at the same time working on a puzzle together and I just love that it gives us a chance to do something together as a family. From what I hear, Santa's elves have been hard at work looking for puzzles for under our tree this year. Here are a few I think Santa might think are a good fit for our kids!

1) Ravensburger Globe Puzzle 2) MN Wild Puzzle 3) The Solar System Puzzle 4) World Map Puzzle 5) Diary of a Wimpy Kid Puzzle

Today's puzzle themed lunch includes a peanut butter puzzle sandwich (made using these lunch punch sandwich cutters), peas, grape tomatoes, blueberries, almond flour chocolate chip cookie, string cheese, almonds.

Categories: Archive, Gift Giving


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