
Feb. 9, 2011

I'm so very excited to announce the launch of This Lunch Rox my new bento lunch box blog! At the beginning of the school year I started posting photos of my son's lunch boxes on Facebook. Since then, I have been increasingly encouraged to turn the posts into a blog. It was an exciting prospect so I decided to give it a whirl!

In honor of the launch of my blog, I thought it was only fitting to create a "launch" themed lunch! :)

Today's lunch is in a Lock and Lock box and includes: nitrate free ham/cheese sandwich, cucumber stars, beef stick/cucumber/cheese rockets, blueberries and strawberries, almond flourspice cupcake

I decided to back post several of the lunches I've created over the past few months for anyone interested. Thanks for stopping by!

Super Bowl Victory...

Feb. 7, 2011

The Lombardi trophy is coming home!!! My boys were beyond excited with the Packer's Super Bowl victory last night. I wanted to send my son to school with a celebratory lunch today. :)

Peanut butter Lombardi trophy, colby cheese helmet and crackers, pumpkin cake, almonds, kiwi and cantaloupe.


Feb. 4, 2011

My son is in the process of researching snakes for a project at school, hence the "snake-themed" lunch.

Today's lunch includes: nitrate-free turkey, bacon & spinach in a flax roll-up, kiwi snake (blueberry for the eye), quinoa, pumpkin & dark chocolate granola bar

What? Gotcha!

Jan. 12, 2011

This lunch was inspired by the "What" game my kids play EVERY day. The goal of the game is to get someone to say "What" and then that person is "it". My boys are quite the jokesters so they've found clever ways to get us to say the word!

Today's lunch is in the Goodbyn "Too Cool For Ears" lunch box: peanut butter sandwich, letters cut out of colby cheese, celery, trail mix, summer sausage, blueberries


Dec. 22, 2010

Last day of school before Christmas break!

Turkey/bacon wrap, chocolate almonds, apple, snap peas, cheese


Dec. 7, 2010

We've been reading a lot about our great state of WI over the past few days. Today's "Wisconsin" themed lunch includes:
State of WI shaped cheese and veggie quesadilla, Old Wisconsin beef stick, almond flour spice cupcake with cream cheese frosting, colby and white american cheese squares.


Dec. 3, 2010

My son has been counting down the days for tonight's Wild hockey game! Because it's a Friday night he gets to stay up late and watch the entire game!

Peanut butter sandwich on lavash bread, colby cheese squares, strawberries/grapes, almond flour cookie in the bag.

Turkey Week

Nov. 23, 2010

Happy Turkey Week Everyone!

Peanut Butter Sandwich circle with carrot feathers and feet, macadamia nut for face, white and orange cheese for details, blueberries, broccoli and a bag of chocolate covered almonds.


Nov. 17, 2010

It's "Game Night" at our house tonight! This checkerboard themed lunch includes: Roast beef checkerboard sandwich (I used my honey cap to cut out the circles of cheese), berries, carrots, and a "Faux"stess cupcake (another fab recipe from Maria!)

Snow Days...

Nov. 15, 2010

The boys are SOOOO excited to have snow on the ground today. They were both up and at 'em this morning ready to get in their snow gear. It sounds like there's going to be quite a snowball fight in our yard after school with the neighborhood gang which inspired a snowball themed lunch.

Today's lunch includes: protein bites, cucumber, canteloupe, white american cheese, snowman sandwich, a few Kix for decoration. :)