MAPS Testing...

Oct. 4, 2011

My oldest son has MAPS testing this week at school. In preparation for testing week, the teachers always send home a note asking parents to ensure our kids get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast. Having done as much reading as I have on this topic I understand why teachers think it's important for kids to eat a solid breakfast before they come to school...especially on a testing day. Last year I wrote a very long-winded post about food and the effect it has on our bodies and brains. In that postyou can read about how protein and fiber help supply essential amino acids that combine to form proteins that are essential for managing the neurotransmitters in the brain along with a list of foods we commonly feed our kids...even more so when they are testing at school.

Today's "testing" lunch includes: a cheese stick pencil with a Bugle & raisin tip (I can't take credit for this genius idea...I found it on-line), nitrite-free turkey, pepperoni & white american cheese sandwich, peanut butter/celery, strawberries/kiwi, sugar-free dark chocolate almonds (Trader Joe's)

Categories: Archive, Lunch


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