Ahoy there, me hearties!

Feb. 6, 2012

Over the weekend we took our boys to see the play "How I Became a Pirate", a play based on a book by the same name that I've been reading to them since they were little. That book led us to start some quirky family traditions like "Talk like a Pirate Day" and even "Pirate Day Lunches". Pirate Day Lunches happen when there are no ladies around and the boys sit at the table and eat and act like pirates. I've never witnessed one of these lunches but from the stories I've heard I'm happy not knowing the exact details of what takes place! When I saw that the Eau Claire Children's Theatre was putting on the production I knew we needed to take the boys. The play was adorable and the boys belly laughed their way through it...especially when the pirates talked about needing to clean the "poop deck". Go figure!!

So today I made a "pirate lunch" including a pirate sandwich with a heart shaped eye patch, celery and peanut butter (use sunbutter if peanut allergies are a concern), grapes, taco flavored Ellsworth cheese curds, almonds packed in a Planet Lunch Box

Categories: Archive, Books


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