
Feb. 22, 2012

A few weeks ago we woke up to a heavy frost outside. The kids were fascinated by how "white" everything looked even though there was very little snow on the ground.

We went outside to take a closer look and the kids had all kinds of questions and theories about how frost forms. I didn't have a great answer for them so I went on-line and found a fun little experiment HEREthat helped explain the process and allowed the kids see the process happen right before their eyes. If you want to try it you'll just need the following:

  • Small metal can

  • Water

  • Salt

  • Crushed ice


Step 1:Fill a small metal can 1/4 of the way with water.

Step 2:Stir 4 tablespoons of salt into the water.

Step 3:Add enough crushed ice to fill the cup, and stir the solution.

Step 4:Observe what happens on the outside of the can.

The cold solution in the can lowered the temperature of the can. When the air outside the can came in contact with the cold can, the air's temperature also dropped. The amount of water vapor the air can hold depends on the air's temperature; it cannot hold as much water when it is cold. The water vapor condensed on the cold can, and the low temperature made the water freeze and form frost on the outside of the can.

Today's "frost lunch" includes: nitrate free turkey sandwich with white American cheese, granola bar, venison sticks, cucumber & hummus

Categories: Archive, Lunch


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