New York, New York

Oct. 22, 2012

If you haven't noticed, it's been a bit of a challenge for me to keep up with the blog over the past few weeks. Not only is this the busiest time of year for me at work, but I've had a few trips added to the mix as well. I was at Alys Beach in Florida for a business trip and the very next week I turned around and left for a girl's trip to NYC with my mom, sister, and niece. NYC is easily one of my favorite cities to visit! I try to get there at least once a year and if I can plan a trip there in the Fall it's even better! This was our second trip with just the girls and we had a riot. We did some shopping, saw some Broadway shows, ate at some amazing restaurants (Balthazar, Tao, The Monkey Bar, The Modern so many great ones...) and hit some of my favorite spots including; Central Park, ABC Home & Carpet, Fishs Eddy, McNally Jackson Books, MoMA, and much, much more! I had a blast, but after 4 days of hitting the streets of NYC I must say that I'm happy to be back and settling into a routine again.

The kids are always so eager to hear about NYC when I get home...they love hearing about the traffic, crazy cab rides, skyscrapers and such! I can hardly wait to take the boys to NYC for the very first time. I know without a doubt they want to see the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, and of course they want to ride in a cab (it might be as fun as a roller coaster if we get the right driver)! Today's NYC lunch includes: peanut butter lavash sandwich, grapes/strawberries, broccoli, almonds, string cheese, hard boiled egg and an almond flour chocolate chip cookieall packed in a Planet Lunch Box

Categories: Archive, Travel


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