My Lunch

May. 17, 2013

As most of you know by now I love books! Maybe it's the former teacher in me, but I really like to read! I'll read just about anything and over the years I've discovered that I tend to read various genres in spurts. Whether it's autobiographies, historical fiction, literature, healthy living...I tend to read several related books in a row before switching to another topic. So far this year I find myself reading a lot of young adult fiction. Obviously as a child I loved this genre, but I've been drawn to it again probably because I'm constantly on the hunt for books I think my kids would enjoy. Also, the little neighbor girl and I share a passion for books. We've been exchanging titles and comparing notes which is yet another excuse for me to explore this genre again. Over the past few months I've read some great books and I thought I'd share them here knowing that I have a lot of book loving readers who might be interested!

1) The Fault in Our Stars 2) Out Of My Mind3) Okay for Now4) Number the Stars 5) Wonder 6) The One and Only Ivan


I'm always showing my kids' lunches, but since I'm sharing some of my favorite reads so far this year I thought I'd use this opportunity to talk about one of my favorite things to eat for lunch...roasted vegetables! Often times I'll make a double batch of roasted veggies to serve with our dinner knowing that I'll have just enough leftovers to take with me to work the next day. This is a quick and easy lunch to heat up and it tastes oh, so good! I don't have an exact recipe as I'm constantly changing the ingredients seasonally. Below is a general recipe that could get you started, but it's easy to change it to your taste.


3 zucchini cut in chunks (I use yellow and green)


1/2 med red onion, chopped


1/4 red pepper, chopped


1/2 c. mushrooms, chopped


1/2 head cauliflower florets


2 TBS olive oil


1.5 TBS balsamic vinegar


1/2 tsp salt


1/4 tsp pepper


1 tsp dried rosemary


1/2 tsp thyme


Mix all ingredients in a bowl until veggies are well coated. Spread veggies on a large baking sheet and bake at 425 for 30-40 minutes.



Category: Archive


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