Movie night...

Feb. 24, 2011

I'm home from my work trip and I must say that I'm happy to be settling back into our everyday routine here on the homefront! It was a hectic week to say the very least. There's no school tomorrow because of parent-teacher conferences so I've declared tonight a "MOVIE NIGHT". The boys LOVE our movie nights...we throw pillows and blankets on the floor and snuggle in for at least one movie. Tonight's feature presentation at the Schultz Family Theater is "The Reluctant Astronaut" starring Don Knotts. I'm very much looking forward to a little R&R tonight with my three favorite people.

Today's movie-themed lunch includes: roast beef movie reel sandwiches (I used a large circle cookie cutter for the big circle and a lemon juice cap to make the small circles), snap peas, grapes, popcorn

Category: Archive


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