Busy Morning...

Apr. 6, 2011

It's another busy morning here at the Schultz household so there wasn't enough time to pull anything creative together today. Days like today remind me of just how much I enjoy piecing together fun lunches. Don't get me wrong...it's not that I mind slapping together a quick lunch, but it doesn't bring nearly as much joy as creating fun food arrangements. So while this isn't the most creative lunch you'll see here on my blog I hope it gives you an idea of something quick and easy you could pack on a cold lunch day. On a side note, I want to thank all of you who have commented on the blog posts or who have taken the time to e-mail me with words of encouragement. This truly has become a wonderful hobby for me and I love hearing that some of you are feeling inspired to make changes to how you feed your children. That information really gives me the motivation to keep doing what I'm doing so thank you!!

Today's lunch includes: peanut butter/banana bites (replace peanut butter with sunbutter or sweetened cream cheese for nut allergies), broccoli/carrots, grapes, cheese curds, almonds, brownie (I froze a batch of these so I can pull one out on day's like today for a quick and easy desert)

Category: Archive


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