Bunny Breakfast...

Apr. 22, 2011

There's no school today and the weather is still gloomy so I've planned a special surprise for the kiddos! They don't know what it is just yet, but I told them I'd give them a few clues throughout the day. This bunny breakfast was the first clue...I'll come back after lunch to show you all clue #2. Then we'll see if you all can guess what we're doing today! :)

I served this bunny breakfast along with a bowl of steel cut oats topped with strawberries and blackberries. As much as my boys love vegetables, serving carrots for breakfast would be pushing it just a bit. The carrot on the plate was for decoration only...at least until lunch time. ;) The bunny is an english muffin and a not-so-scrambled egg which I then cut out using a circle and bunny ear cookie cutters. The whiskers, eyes and teeth are made with white American cheese.

Update with CLUE #2: It didn't take long for my boys to figure out where we are going this afternoon...I'm sure most of you will get it in no time. :)

Category: Archive


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