Monday Mornings...

Aug. 22, 2011

In the past few weeks I've received several e-mails from readers asking how I handle breakfast during the school year. Some of you may remember this post or this post in which I talked about how food effects our brains and its ability to function throughout the day. Before we made the transition to healthier eating I was sending my son out the door having had a bowl (or two) of cereal, milk and a glass of orange juice. In the past year I've done quite a bit of reading about this topic and have transformed the way we do breakfast as a result.

Studies show that children who eat diets rich in fiber and protein perform better in school than those who consume diets low in protein and high in sugar. Not only does protein and fiber take longer to digest than high sugar foods, but they also supply essential amino acids that combine to form proteins that are essential for managing the neurotransmitters in the brain. So the bowl (or two) of cereal I was feeding my son not only contained at least a day's worth of sugar, it also had very little protein or fiber to keep him going throughout the school day. My goal now is to feed my kids a breakfast that will sustain their energy levels and keep their blood sugar stable on a daily basis.

As you can see from the photo below, I've been busy preparing foods for the start of the school year which is right around the corner! Stay tuned to the blog for a "Monday Morning" series where I'll continue talking breakfast. In this series I'll share the recipes I make ahead and freeze which helps school mornings go a little smoother. Here's a little preview of what's to come!

Today's "Monday Morning" feature is one of my kid's favorites...the Egg Breakfast Sandwich:

Egg Breakfast Sandwich:

  • 1 egg

  • 1 slice cheese

  • 1 English muffin or bagel (if you are looking for a gluten-free option you might try Udi's Bagels...they are delicious and you can order on-line!)

Beat one egg, fry egg in preheated fry pan (shape the egg into a circle appx. the same size as your English muffin or bagel), toast muffin or bagel, place egg on top of toasted bread, cover with one slice of cheese. Wrap each egg sandwich in wax paper or parchment paper and freeze. Before serving warm egg sandwich in the oven or toaster oven. (You could probably microwave them, but be VERY careful not to overheat as the egg may explode. I've never tried microwaving one...I'm too nervous to try.)

Category: Archive


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