Midday Message...

Sep. 8, 2011

What a week it's been for us! The start of the school year, settling into our routines, adjusting to having BOTH boys gone all day...it's been a process to say the least! The house is so quiet during the day and not having my youngest around to share lunch with sure is strange, but knowing just how much he is loving Kindergarten makes it all a little easier to deal with. Every morning he wakes up with a huge smile on his face and reminds me that he has to go to get ready to go to school. Then when he gets home he recounts the day with as many details as his little memory can hold. As much as he loves it, I know there is a small part of him that misses home while he's at school. Before he walks out the door he always does a double take of his bag to make sure his stuffed puppy and little blanket are tucked safely in his backpack. Today I wanted to send him a little mid-day message to let him know I was thinking of him. I used a cookie cutter in the shape of "I Love You" in American Sign Language. My son knows this symbol well as we've been using it with him since before he could talk.

Today's lunch includes: ham & cheese sandwich (click HERE to find the cookie cutter), ham and string cheese, almonds, 1/4 of a Quest bar cut into small bites (the reason I like this bar is that it's made without Agave Syrup and/or artificial sweeteners), cucumbers w/ ranch dip, oranges & blueberries, almond flour chocolate chip cookie

Categories: Archive, Lunch


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