April Fool's Day...

Apr. 1, 2011

Oh, how my kids love April Fool's Day! The jokes start first thing in the morning and they carry through right up until bed time. My boys have been known to play some pretty silly tricks on me (with help from their Daddy) so I thought it would be fun to have a little fun with them in return. I found this moldy lunch bag on-line and I thought it might just be enough to gross my son out. I hollowed out an orange and filled it with grapes and strawberries and made a pancake stacked "cupcake" with strawberry cream cheese frosting.

Here's a peek at my son's April Fool's Day lunch:

We had pancakes for breakfast this morning so I made some mini pancakes while I was at it and cut them out using a various sized cookie cutter shapes to build this pancake "cupcake". I used strawberry flavored cream cheese as the frosting.

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