Quick and Easy...

Sep. 27, 2011

Well, as you can probably tell from the lack of blog entries in the past few days things have been pretty chaotic around here. This is easily the busiest time of year for me with my job so finding a quiet time to blog here on This Lunch Rox gets a little challenging. I know a lot of you can relate so I've made an effort to photograph the lunches I've thrown together over the past few days for anyone who needs some quick and easy ideas for those busy mornings. Before we get to the lunches, I thought I'd share a few helpful hints for pulling together lunches in a pinch:

  • Rinse & pre-cut fruits and veggies when you bring them home from the farmer's market or grocery store

  • Keep a variety of sandwich staples on hand (pita pockets, lavash roll-ups, bread, etc...)

  • Put leftovers in a thermos for lunch

  • Make ahead deserts or treats, store them in the freezer and pull them out as needed


The lunch below includes: peanut butter roll-up on lavash bread (you might consider Sunbutter if peanut allergies are a concern), string cheese, carrots, grapes, almonds, watermelon, chocolate chip cookie



This lunch includes: nitrite-free turkey sandwich, pineapple, cheese, carrots, homemade fruit roll up



This lunch includes: peanut butter roll-up, cucumbers, almonds, strawberries and blueberries, chewy chocolate granola bar



Stay tuned...I have some fun themed lunches coming soon!


Categories: Archive, Lunch


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